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2. Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy is a simple, natural injection treatment. It helps to initiate a healing response in an injured or degenerating tendon, ligament or joint.

2. Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy is a simple, natural injection treatment. It helps to initiate a healing response in an injured or degenerating tendon, ligament or joint. The exact formula is customized based on the area being treated and the degree of damage/degeneration at the site.

Typically a series of injections is required (determined by your response to treatment). Injections are spaced out by approximately 4 weeks in order to allow your body to gain maximum benefit from the previous treatment.

The following conditions generally respond favorably to prolotherapy:
- Acute joint injuries
- Chronic joint pain
- Arthritis
- Torn meniscus
- Sciatica
- Herniated discs (not severe)
- Low back pain
- Rotator cuff injuries/tears
- Tennis/Golfer's elbow
- Labral tears (hip/shoulder)
- Sacroiliac pain
- Joint instability

Unsure if you would be a good candidate for Prolotherapy? Book an complimentary 15 min discovery call with Dr Breckon or book an intial consultation.

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